Cyrine Abdel Nour is shooting the final scenes of a new TV series - and the role is taking her to an unexpected location, the star has revealed.      The Lebanese actress told Arab Today that the final week of filming will see the star-studded cast, including Maged el Masry, venturing beneath the Red Sea. Lubat al-Mowt (Game of Death), which is being shot in the Egyptian resort of Sharm al-Sheikh, is shown on several satellite channels. Syrian director Laith Hajjo is using underwater cameras to capture the aquatic clips, Cyrine said. The singer and film-star added that she was happy with the character she plays in the series, describing the role as among her most cherished . The series will star Abed Fahd, Mais Hamdan, and Marwa Abdel ?Moneim alongside Cyrine and Maged el Masry.