Widower of Fathi Al Rayan, Shukryah Saleem, has filed a lawsuit against Egyptian actress Riham Abd Al Ghafour, who had played her character in the recent television drama “Al Rayan” stating that she insulted her persona and image. The lawsuit was also against producer and writer of the drama stating that they insulted her and her family through the events of the drama. Shukryah stated that she is a simple woman and never interfered in her husband’s work and was a mother of five children. She added that she never left her home unless she was accompanied by her husband unlike what was portrayed in the drama that she was an ill-mannered woman who went to clubs and had relationships with political officials. Shukryah added that the drama portrayed her as being hated by her husband’s family stressing that on the contrary a relationship of respect and love connected her with the entire Rayan’s family. Shukryah also denied that her husband had married a second wife and stressed that she is the first and last woman her husband ever knew and the reason of his death was not addiction of drugs, but rather his grief over the collapse of the Rayan Empire.