Egyptian actor Adel Emam

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi granted renowned Egyptian actor Adel Emam the order of culture in recognition of his role in enriching artistic and cultural life in the Arab World.

The Tunisian president honored Emam in the presence of Tunisian Minister of Culture Mohamed Zine el Abidine and Egypt's Ambassador here Nabil Habashy.

Essebsi lauded the leading role played by Adel Emam in raising the awareness of Arab peoples about true religion, rejecting violence as well as "spreading the spirit of brotherhood and citizenship" in the Arab World.

In statements to MENA, the Egyptian ambassador said Adel Emam represents a "great artistic value" not only in Egypt, but across the Arab World as well.

Habashy also noted that the Tunisian President has hailed the role played by Egyptian art and culture in general, in establishing connection between Arab peoples.

Adel Emam is a popular Egyptian movie and stage actor. He is primarily a comedian, but he has starred in more serious works.