These bright, flexible running shoes from Spanish company One Moment are the latest invention for barefoot runners - a trend which Footwear News says will be bigger than ever this year. Scarlett Johansson's “barefoot running” trainer was hailed as the biggest shoe trend of 2011. Her Vibram FiveFingers shoes, which look like a pair of rubber gloves with toes - cost $130, but these shoes will cost only $12. The slimline rubber shoe has a sole of just 2mm thick, giving the wearer a sensation of being close to the earth. And as an added bonus, being made from 100 per cent natural materials, they will eventually biodegrade once discarded.  Describing the product makers say:”A modern, sober and elegant style, combining technology and designed to offer maximum comfort and grip.” Each pair is unisex and from January there will be a XXS children's range available. Manufacturers claim they are suitable for a range of activities including running and when they aren't being worn they can be rolled up and stored in a pocket.