A dining room by Joanne Jakab

The transitional room will certainly satisfy different tastes what make it the perfect option for both of the dining and living rooms. Yet, you should create a sense of harmony among the eclectic elements of the place using similar colors, textures, or lighting fixtures.

If you are used to collect artworks from different locations and styles, you can easily display them together in your transitional living or dining room. Joanne Jakab creates layers of mixed patterns using neutral colors in the living and dining rooms with pops of rich colored accents.

In Mill-croft residence, Joanne’s team members decorate the living and dining rooms using sophisticated eclectic elements such as floor-to-ceiling silk curtains, patterned rugs, a few architectural details, clean lines, and geometric shapes.

The location and style of your fireplace and TV have a great effect upon your living and dining rooms. Joanne’s team members design a clean modern living room and keep the gas fireplace with brick focal point wall to separate the visual interest from the amusemen

Contrarily, the team members install the TV above the custom glass surrounded fireplace to create a unified focal point and leave a space at the two sides for storage purposes. In a gathering room, Joanne Jakab and her team install the fireplace and TV at one of the room’s corners with dimmer lighting to provide the place a dramatic and private look.

Several people prefer the traditional dining room designs because they tend to be formal and inviting. Thus, you can design a traditional dining room with a slight modern touch using patterned wallpaper, a mid-sized crystal chandelier, warm white ceiling, and a clean-lined wooden dining table.

In your small sized apartment, you can incorporate the dining space to your kitchen or create an open design plan to create an airy and inviting look.

Source :Interior Design 4