The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation

An increasing number of UAE residents ­support the country’s nuclear energy ambitions, according to a recent survey.
A poll commissioned by the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation found that 83 per cent of the residents questioned favoured the UAE’s use of peaceful nuclear energy, an increase of 13 per cent since a 2013 survey.
The study, in which 750 people were interviewed, found a greater number of respondents believed the Barakah nuclear power plant was important for the UAE.
"It is encouraging to know that so many residents are not only aware of the benefits of peaceful nuclear energy but support the work we are doing at Barakah," said Mohamed Al Hammadi, chief executive of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation.
Barakah, the UAE’s first nuclear power plant, is scheduled to come online next month.
Once fully operational in 2020, the Dh84.4 billion project is set to supply 25 per cent of the UAE’s electricity needs, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation said.
The number of those who believe that nuclear energy was essential to meeting the country’s power needs also rose, from 63 per cent in the 2013 survey to 69 per cent in the latest poll. Abdullah Al Qassab, 32, said international support for the UAE’s peaceful nuclear energy programme gave him a sense of pride.
"It’s a good sign that the international nuclear energy community supports our aspirations in the field, especially in this region," said the Emirati research and development engineer.
Mr Al Qassab acknowledged the need for nuclear energy but said it was unfortunate that the country needed so much energy.
"I think it begins with people’s consumption. Everyone, including myself, uses a lot of electricity, which put us in this situation."
Although he was pleased about lowering dependence on fossil fuels, he had concerns about the nuclear energy process.
"What happens to the radioactive waste the plant produces and how about the safety of those working in the plants?" he said.
The Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation has conducted emergency response exercises and staff training at the plant to deal with disasters such as floods and earthquakes.
More than 60 nuclear power plants are under construction globally, four of which are in the UAE, including Barakah.

Source: The National