Seven Short Stories And Selected Poems

In author Lauren Merritt’s new and opulent offering, “Seven Short Stories And Selected Poems”, (published by Xlibris) he leaves behind the world of aerospace design and veers into the realm of the ancient debate of the nature of God. This collection of short stories and related poetry comes out in favor of “I am is God.” which appeals to people who have had enough of the trappings of our present day religious organizations. He does this though relentless examination of his own spiritual journey towards self-awareness, unleashing merciless insight, fiery wit, and fierce compassion through illuminating narratives and verses.
Born out of the author’s creative mind, “Seven Short Stories And Selected Poems” features stories of heroes and heroines, love, lust and loss, reason and insanity, innocence and impurity. No matter the situation in which his protagonists find themselves – Adam’s endless search for Eve, one listless child’s longing for a complete family, a PTSD patient’s effort to overcome his trauma, one man’s participation in a ceremonial dance, a father’s lifetime of memories unearthed, a couple’s unfinished love affair – Merritt conveys their experience with endless wit and flowing prose that reminds readers, page by page, of the beauty of the written word.
These “Seven Short Stories And Selected Poems” can be read as a literary journal of a great writer’s career, beginning with a stance that is cold, bitter and intellectual to one that is warm, inviting, and comforting. From the spiritual journey perspective, Merritt’s engineering knowledge of intellectual constructs allows him to steer away from rocky shores and sandy shoals to provide a clean, fresh, perspective to a rather ancient concept of God.
Source: PRWEB