Ingredients: 1 kg sweet potato, 500 g baby spinach, washed, 10 eggs, 2 cubes Maggi Vegetable Bouillon, finely chopped, 1 large spanish onion, thinly chopped, 2 tablespoons olive oil, Pinch of ground black pepper, 75 g goats cheese, soft, crumbled, Preparation: Peel and cut the potato into 1-cm cubes, then put in boiling water for sometime and cool down under running water. Do not overcook the potato; it should be a bit crunchy after cooking. Dip the spinach in hot water and then refresh in cold water, then keep on kitchen towel to absorb all the bitter juice. Crack the eggs and mix all the ingredients with the Maggi cubes. Heat the olive oil in a 6-inch diameter non-stick pan till piping hot, then divide the mix into three batches and cook by pouring the mix without stirring. Cover and reduce the heat for about 5 minutes, then start to shake the pan slowly for the mixture not to stick. Flip it into a serving dish and serve immediately.