Saudi ministry of health

In its weekly statement, the Ministry of Health said that five cases have been confirmed infected with Corona in Riyadh, Hafuf, Taif, Najran and Abqaiq, during the period 14 - 20 Rajab 1436 H. corresponding to 3 - 9 May 2015.

The ministry said that despite the marked decline in the number of cases, however, the ministry cautions that 'we are still in season', and it will keep preparations as they are and that efforts must continue with cooperation of all parties, especially the Community cooperation and health workers who are the foundation and represent the main pillar in the face of the disease.

The ministry mentioned that during the same period, 1246 samples of HIV Corona in the laboratories of the Ministry of Health were examined, and the number of rapid response team visits to combat health facilities infection during the same period amounted to eight visits, while the total number of public health team visits to intermixed positive cases reached five visits, the number of contacts counted at home for the positive cases were seven, the number of visits for the Ministry of Agriculture was one, while the ministry's efforts in health education segments of society continued through the awareness campaign of Corona virus.