Safia Farkash

I am the mother of Al-Saadi Gaddafi. He is my third son. Three of his younger brothers were killed during the war in 2011. One of them - M’utassim – was brutally murdered after he was captured by Misratan militia, who are aligned to Libya Dawn. Libya Dawn currently controls the Al Hadba detention facility in Tripoli.

From the day that I first heard that Al-Saadi Gaddafi was in the hands of this militia, I prayed that he would not suffer the same fate as his brother. I repeatedly called on the United Nations, the Libyan authorities, and NGOs to do everything they can to protect him from mistreatment. But my pleas were not answered.

After seventeen long months of silence, fear and uncertainty - I have finally seen Al-Saadi. I have seen him being repeatedly tortured and mistreated by his guards, in three video which were leaked from the Al Hadba detention centre. The abuse is despicable, and is contrary to every individual’s right to be treated humanely and with dignity.

No mother should have to watch their son being treated in this manner. No detainee should be abused and threatened by the guards, who are supposed to protect them, and who are supposed to represent law and order in new Libya.

What I saw in these videos is a crime against all notions of humanity. I called for justice for the murder of my husband and son, but nothing was done, and the militia continued their crimes unabated. I cannot take the chance that militia will continue to mistreat and potentially kill Al-Saadi as well. I demand that the United Nations or the Libyan Government take immediate steps to ensure Al-Saadi’s protection, and the protection of all the other sons of Libyan mothers who are detained with him. I further demand that the militia who were complicit in these crimes be held to account. It is time to replace their reign of terror in Tripoli with the rule of law.