African striker of Egypt's Zamalek football team Stanley Ohaieteshi

African striker of Egypt's Zamalek football team Stanley Ohaieteshi expressed his refusal to the idea to transfer to the Saudi league after the end of his loan to Zamalek from Wadi Degla.    The player revealed that he received a number of offers to join Saudi teams during the coming season while he refused all of them. He said that he closed the door for the idea to join the Saudi league during the current period.   The player received a number of offers from Emirati and Qatari teams, as he received an offer from Ahly Dubai to join the team during the coming season after the end of his loan to Zamalek.   Zamalek holds negotiations with the board of Wadi Degla to buy the players during the current period, as the player is scheduled to take his final decision whether to remain in the Egyptian Premier League or not in the light of the offers he will receive.