The Powerbag is an electric messenger bag with a battery built

The Powerbag is an electric messenger bag with a battery built Las Vegas - Arabstoday This year's CES Unveiled 2012 at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas, showed off an early 'sneak preview' of some of the hottest gadgets set to be on display over the next week at Vegas's Consumer Electronics Show, the biggest technology event of the year. Once again, smartphones and tablets look set to take centre stage, with gadgets turning them into boom boxes, radar detectors, guitars and games consoles on display at the preview show. Bob Marley's son Rohan aimed to take the gizmos 'back to the future' with a cloth bag that turns any smartphone into an Eighties-style boom box. SolarKindle Lighted Covers are the first solar book covers for Amazon Kindle e-readers Samsung's wi-fi video baby monitor comes with apps enabling the video to be displayed on any mobile device . The preview show, at Vegas's Venetian hotel, tends to show off the wackier end of the year's tech trends, with 'signature' technologies saved up for company press conferences during the week. Tech insiders remained fairly underwhelmed by the gadgets on display this year - with ZDNet commenting that this year's show 'reveals little about tech in 2012.' mailonline .