The Bahrain Mixed Martial Arts Federation (BMMAF) launched

The Bahrain Mixed Martial Arts Federation (BMMAF) launched its new logo and the first official 2017 competition calendar, which is part of the strategic plan developed by the Federation and goes in line with the vision of His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, First Deputy President of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Honorary President of the Bahrain Mixed Martial Arts Federation (BMMAF), Founder of Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa Mixed Martial Arts Organization (KHK MMA), to continue the development and enhancement of Bahraini MMA.
This came during the Federation’s first press conference held yesterday, in the presence of Mr. Kerrith Brown, President of the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF); Mr. Densign White, CEO of the IMMAF; several members from schools and clubs specialized in Bahrain mixed martial arts; and fans and enthusiasts of this sport.
The press conference was led by media personnel, Fawaz Al-Abdullah, who spoke about the Bahrain Mixed Martial Arts Federation and the sports under the Federation's umbrella: MMA, Kickboxing, Wrestling, Boxing and Muai Thai.
Colonel Khalid Abdulaziz Al-Khayat, President of the BMMAF, gave a speech where he congratulated the wise leadership on the Kingdom of Bahrain's success in organising and hosting the 13th edition of the 2017 F1 Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix. He also conveyed the greetings of HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to all, and wished them success.
The BMMAF President spoke of the Federation's vision which goes in line with the vision of HH Shaikh Khalid Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, in which His Highness aims to deepen the youth's connection to this sport, and attract talents to build a strong infrastructure that contributes to achieving Olympic and global achievements in this game, giving the Kingdom of Bahrain a distinct position in this sport.
Al-Khayyat also touched on the Federation's mission, which is based on contributing to advance the youth and sports movement in the Kingdom, to play a role in the noble mission in the progress of society, and create an atmosphere suitable for youth energies to practice and test their capabilities in different fields. The objectives set include:
1 - To abide by the implementation and follow-up of the policy set by His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa for the mixed martial arts programme, and work to form a public opinion that believes in the importance of mixed martial arts in Bahrain.
2- Cooperating with authorities concerned in all matters related to the combat sports from the contributions at the level of the Kingdom.
3 - Pay attention to talents at an early age and prepare all means to form a new generation in the field of mixed martial arts.
4. Develop a general policy to build partnerships with those involved in mixed martial arts, with international organizations, global bodies and participate in various Gulf, Arab, Asian and international championships.
5 - Develop a general strategy for licensing schools and centers specialized in mixed martial arts in coordination with competent authorities.
6. Organizing awards, incentives and other means of materials that provide encouragement in the fields of mixed martial arts.
7. Prepare a strategic plan to support the youth, encourage them to innovate in mixed martial arts and discover talents.
8. Stimulate clubs, centers and schools to focus on various mixed martial arts games.
9 - Deepening the social and sports communication between the visitors of MMA clubs, centers and schools.
10 - Achieve an Olympic or global achievement and raise the name of the Kingdom of Bahrain in all forums and international championships.
Taking into account the importance of achieving the values set by the Federation, which are based on the principles of respect, discipline, excellence and teamwork, Al-Khayyat said that the Kingdom of Bahrain will host an important event, which is the fourth edition of the IMMAF World Championships of Amateur MMA. He called for all efforts to be made to ensure the success of the championship, going in line with the vision and directives of His Highness , to refine Bahrain's capabilities to host various international events that strengthen the Kingdom's position on the international map.

In conclusion, the BMMAF President thanked HH Shaikh Khalid Bin Hamad Al Khalifa for the support and trust, hoping that the Federation fulfils its mission to achieve the goals and aspirations to highlight this sport in a way that serves the aspirations of His Highness, to achieve more successes. He also appreciated the efforts of the media for covering the Federation's activities and events.

Source: BNA