October 1,2017
After much hard work, you're financially secure. Take a few moments to bask in this accomplishment. When you acknowledge your blessings, they will multiply. Instead of earning money from one source, you'll have several income streams. This will allow you to buy property, build a retirement fund and send children to university. Are you footloose and fancy free? Use your economic gains to travel the world. You'll especially enjoy visiting places of historical interest. Touring an ancient city will make you feel connected to the past.
Weekly Horoscopes
Spending money won't make a problem go away. Resist the temptation to ease your fears with a shopping trip. If you're drowning in debt, it's time to contact a money manager. There are many organisations dedicated to helping consumers like you. Don't let pride get in the way of wiping out debt. Your personal charisma is at an all-time high. Whether you're looking for love, trying to find a job or promoting a creative plan, you'll succeed.
Emails, text messages and letters sent and received will lead to pleasing romantic developments. Your communication skills are at an all-time high; that's why you and your partner are getting on better than ever. Are you single? Your magnetic personality will attract admirers to you like a flower attracts bees. When you find someone new, spend as much time with each other as possible. Emotional bonds will not be formed instantly but in time, you will have a lot to appreciate about each other.
October 2017 Horoscope
You could find an ideal living situation in the early days of October. This is a terrific time to buy a home, sign a lease or refinance your mortgage. On the 5th, you'll seek the company of friends. Beware of overindulging at a party or you'll regret it later. Employment prospects will improve toward the middle of the month. You may land a job with excellent fringe benefits at this time. The New Moon on the 19th warns against falling for an unconventional newcomer. Although you'll be utterly smitten by someone who defies authority, they won't be a good partner for you. Hold out for someone with a good character. If you're already in a relationship, you'll be disappointed with the results of a creative project. Try not to dwell on this setback. Bigger and better opportunities will arrive as November approaches. Getting a grant or business loan will give you a welcome opportunity to develop your natural talent.