November 21,2017
You'll get some news that makes your heart sing. Don't be so quick to share this information with others. The longer it is kept under wraps, the more it will benefit you. If you land a job, be ready for lengthy contract negotiations. By standing your ground, you'll strike a deal that is the envy of your peers. Are you going to relocate? Instead of tipping off your landlord, remain silent about your plans until the last possible minute.
Weekly Horoscopes
You'll get a job offer from out of the blue and if you take it, it will help you along your way to long-term financial security. Your ability to think on your feet will impress people. As a result, you'll be invited to take on a quasi-leading role. Prepare to ask for a higher salary than the one you are first offered. You should be paid well for such serious responsibilities. Use some of your paycheque for a makeover. Splash out on fashionable clothes, give your wardrobe a thorough going over or restyle your hair.
A close friend or neighbour is taking your helpfulness for granted. Give some people an inch and they will take a mile. Stop waiting for them to realise how their demands are ruining your relationship. Bring up the problem now. This may cause some temporary tension but if their friendship is sincere, they will understand. If you aren't happy with social plans being made for the weekend, look for something else. A festive creative project will fill you with excitement.
November 2017 Horoscope
Your star power will attract opportunities for love, adventure and fun in the beginning of November. Taking a risk will pay off nicely during this golden period. On the 4th, the Full Moon will prompt you to pay an affectionate tribute to someone special. Whisk your romantic partner off on vacation, give your best friend a gift certificate for a spa treatment or take a dreaded chore off a business associate's plate. Towards the middle of the month, you'll have an opportunity to share your expertise with an appreciative audience. Getting paid to pass on your expertise and experience will be a very satisfying experience. The New Moon on the 18th will encourage you to change your look in one way or another as you feel you need an image and style that reflects your ideas and ambitions. As the month draws to a close, serious financial talks and a long term cash decision will improve your income