January 28, 2017
Someone you love may resort to a childish temper tantrum. Don't feel you have to give way or buy expensive gifts to show your love. You deserve a partner who appreciates you for who you are, rather than what you can buy. You may decide to keep some good news secret. The last thing you need is for people to try to latch on to your success. This is your chance to mould events to your liking. If you are looking for work, spread the word on social media. You'll get good leads.
Weekly Horoscope
It may not be possible to earn your family's approval, so don't even try. Obey your conscience and do what you know is best for you. If anyone disagrees or complains, don't get hot under the collar. You have a right to do as you please, so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. The sooner you stop worrying about what others might think, the happier you will be. An old friendship could easily turn to romance. You share many of the same values, which is a firm foundation for lasting love.
You shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying yourself just because someone close isn't feeling one-hundred-per-cent. While they are tucked up in bed at home, you are out having fun. Romance and friendship activities will be delightful and amusing. You aren't to blame if a loved one is missing out because of ill health. After all, plans for this week were made some time ago and you would be letting friends down by pulling out of them now.
January 2017 Horoscope
The opening days of 2017 offer a welcome opportunity to recover from the Christmas season. Stick close to home, spending quality time with your relatives and pets. There will be plenty of time to hit the party scene later, when your body has had a chance to rest, relax and revive. The Full Moon on the 12th could have you scrambling to pay an unexpected bill. Take a deep breath and get in touch with your creditor; it may be possible to work out a payment program over an extended period. As January comes to a close, you'll get some good news on the 28th. That's when the New Moon will help you reconnect with a fun loving neighbour or relative. Together, you might book a trip or sign up for a course.