Twenty-five percent of users of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets say the devices are their exclusive choice for online shopping, a U.S. survey found. A survey by Biginsight, based in Ohio, found some consumers are becoming totally dependent on mobile devices for shopping and other activities, like checking personal e-mail and conducting searches, without ever using a PC or laptop, Mobile Commerce Daily reported. Retailers involved in the online marketplace will need to focus on these mobile-only consumers, Pamela J. Goodfellow, consumer insights director of Biginsight, said. \"The takeaway for retailers is that their marketing strategies will have to be very nimble in order to keep up with the changing usage patterns and needs of mobile owners,\" she said. One way to capture the mobile audience may be video, Goodfellow said. \"Video advertising via mobile distinguishes itself from the deluge of other banner ads, pop-ups, and mundane e-mails that mobile users may encounter; it seems that successful videos are ones that are attention-grabbing, succinct, relevant to the user, and perhaps most importantly, not perceived as an annoyance,\" she said. \"Consumers are becoming increasingly dependent on their mobile devices for home, for work, and for life. \"Relying on traditional media, including TV, print, and even online, is becoming more outdated as months pass, literally,\" she said.