Karachi and Sialkot will be connected with Salalah from March 30 and April 1 respectively by Pakistan

 Karachi and Sialkot will be connected with Salalah from March 30 and April 1 respectively by Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), the Pakistan Embassy in Muscat said.

Salalah main city of dhofar region, located some 1,100km South West of Muscat is directly linked by PIA with Lahore and Islamabad from December 1, 2016. 

According to the embassy, around 65,000-70,000 Pakistanis reside in Dhofar region who can benefit from these connectivity, in addition to enhancing bilateral trade and tourism.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Ali Javed, Ambassador of Pakistan to Oman, visited the Headquarters of Public Authority for Civil Aviation (PACA), in Muscat and held an hour-long meeting with Dr Mohammed Nasser Al Zaabi, CEO of Public Authority of Civil Aviation.

In the meeting, the ambassador appreciated the existing bonds of mutual cooperation between Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Pakistan and PACA.

The ambassador praised the successful launch of Oman’s new Airline i.e. Salam Air, and welcomed its prospective operations to Pakistan as a positive addition to the vibrant spectrum of historical ties.

He observed that the two countries’ aviation sectors presented a solid plane for enhancing bilateral cooperation.

Meanwhile, Al Zaabi, appreciating the commonalities in the strategic vision of the two countries’ leaderships, praised the mutual understanding between PACA and CAA and their cooperation at the ICAO.

He appreciated the initiatives launched by the two governments and the positive contributions by the Embassy of Pakistan in solidifying the bonds of friendship.

He also shared his vision on the future operations to Pakistan and the status of upcoming Muscat International Airport.

Source: Timesofoman